Squad Busters Chest Guide, Streak & Battle Placement

Squad Busters Chest Guide, Streak & Battle Placement: Chests earned after completing a battle in Squad Busters are known as “Reward Chests”. Their size (number of troops) depends on the number of taps you earn.

Chest Taps per Chest:

Range: 2 to 7 taps

  • Minimum (2 taps): Finishing 9th or 10th
  • Maximum (7 taps): Finishing in the top 3 with a max streak active

Troop Amount:

  • Minimum: 1 troop
  • Size Increase Chance: With each tap

New Troop Chests:

  • Do not increase in size
  • Only show rarity changes
  • Contain a single new troop

Squad Busters Earning Taps

Battle Placement in Squad Busters

Depending on your battle placement, you earn from 2 to 4 taps:

Placement Bonus Taps
First 4 Taps
Second 4 Taps
Third 4 Taps
Fourth 3 Taps
Fifth 3 Taps
Sixth 3 Taps
Seventh 3 Taps
Eighth 3 Taps
Ninth 2 Taps
Tenth 2 Taps

Top 5 Streak in Squad Busters

Depending on your win streak, you can earn additional taps:

Streak Size Bonus Taps
0 wins 0 Taps
1 win 0 Taps
2 wins 1 Tap
3 wins 1 Tap
4 wins 1 Tap
5 wins 2 Taps
6 wins 2 Taps
7 wins 2 Taps
8 wins 2 Taps
9 wins 2 Taps
10 wins+ 3 Taps

Strategy: Should You Pay to Keep Your Streak?


  • Quick Unlocks: Paying to keep your streak can save the 30 minutes it might take to regain it.
  • Gold Efficiency: If you want to save gold, it’s better to start a new streak rather than paying to keep the current one.

When Paying Might Be Optimal:

  • Moderate Streak (4-10 wins): If you have several chests queued and you’re about to lose your streak.
  • Tracking Chest Cycle: Paying for extra taps when you know an Epic chest is due might be worth it. Here is a Chest Cycle Guide

Strategy: Leave Your Streak Ready

Avoid Opening Chests Without a Streak: To optimize progression, always have a streak active when opening chests.

Options Based on Consistency:

  • Easy: Finish with one top 5. When you continue playing, a second top 5 finish gives you the 2-streak bonus tap.
  • Medium: Achieve a 4-streak. Your next battle allows you to start a 5-streak, providing an extra tap.
  • Hard: Achieve a 9-streak. This gives you the maximum streak bonus with your next chest.

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