Squad Busters Colt Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities

Squad Busters Colt Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities: Colt is a common attacker from Brawl Stars, known for his high damage output and powerful bullet storms.

Squad Busters Colt Guid

Squad Busters Colt Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities


  • Origin Game: Brawl Stars
  • Unit Type: Common
  • HP: 750
  • Attack: 200
  • Fusion HP: 2,625
  • Fusion Attack: 400
  • Fusion Perk: Shoots bigger bullet storms more often


  1. Baby Level
    • Effect: Ranged fighter with high damage
    • Description: Colt excels at dealing significant damage from a distance, making him a formidable attacker in your squad.
  2. Classic Level
    • Effect: Bust 4 foes to fire Bullet Storm
    • Description: Colt’s Bullet Storm activates after defeating 4 enemies, unleashing a barrage of bullets that can decimate groups of foes.
  3. Super Level
    • Effect: Bullet Storm deals much more damage
    • Description: Enhances the damage output of Colt’s Bullet Storm, making it even more devastating against enemies.

Detailed Stats

Attribute Value
HP 750
Attack 200
Fusion HP 2,625
Fusion Attack 400
Fusion Perk Shoots bigger bullet storms more often

Abilities Table

Level Ability Effect
Baby High Damage Ranged fighter with high damage
Classic Bullet Storm Activation Fires Bullet Storm after defeating 4 enemies
Super Enhanced Bullet Storm Bullet Storm deals much more damage


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