Squad Busters El Primo Guide – Stats & Abilities

Squad Busters El Primo Guide – Stats & Abilities: El Primo is a common defender from Brawl Stars, known for his resilience and powerful Flying Elbow Drop ability.

Squad Busters El Primo Guide – Stats & Abilities


  • Origin Game: Brawl Stars
  • Unit Type: Common
  • HP: 2,800
  • Attack: 100
  • Fusion HP: 9,800
  • Fusion Attack: 200
  • Fusion Perk: Casts Flying Elbow Drop more often


  1. Baby Level
    • Effect: Defender with tons of health
    • Description: El Primo is a tanky unit designed to absorb damage and protect other squad members.
  2. Classic Level
    • Effect: Bust 5 foes to do a Flying Elbow Drop
    • Description: After defeating 5 enemies, El Primo performs his signature Flying Elbow Drop, dealing significant damage to enemies in the area.
  3. Super Level
    • Effect: Flying Elbow Drop deals more damage
    • Description: Enhances the damage of El Primo’s Flying Elbow Drop, making it even more devastating to enemies.

Detailed Stats

Attribute Value
HP 2,800
Attack 100
Fusion HP 9,800
Fusion Attack 200
Fusion Perk Casts Flying Elbow Drop more often

Abilities Table

Level Ability Effect
Baby Tons of Health Defender with tons of health
Classic Flying Elbow Drop Activation Bust 5 foes to do a Flying Elbow Drop
Super Enhanced Flying Elbow Drop Flying Elbow Drop deals more damage

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