Squad Busters Megas Guide – How to Get from Chest

Welcome to Squad Busters Megas Guide, Do you want to know How to get Squad Busters Megas from chest and what are the chances of getting Megas From Chests? Read this complete guide below on Squad Busters Megas Guide – How to Get from Chest

If you have Megas available in your collection, you might get one from chests during battles. But how likely is that?

Squad Busters Megas Guide – How to Get from Chest

Factors that increase Mega chances:

  1. Battle Duration: More likely as battle time increases.
  2. Mega Collection: The more types of Megas you have, the better your chances.
  3. Weakened Squad: Higher chance if your squad is significantly weakened.
  4. Low Position: Better chance if you’re in a low position.

Restraints on Mega chances:

  1. Battle Time: No Megas in the first 2 minutes.
  2. End of Battle: No Megas in the last 30 seconds.
  3. Mega Limit: Only 1 Mega in your squad.
  4. Chest Rejection: If you reject a Mega, you won’t get one in the next 3 chests.

Squad Busters Megas Guide - How to Get from Chest


These details can change, but here’s what matters now:


  • Epic Keys: Add +0.5%.
  • Fusion Keys: Add +1.5%.

Note: Premium keys don’t affect Mega chances anymore.

Gem Difference:

  • No longer increases Mega chances.

Squad Size Difference:

  • No longer increases Mega chances.

Mega Type Collection:

  • Up to +25.0%, +0.15% for each Mega type you have.

Megas from Other Players:

  • No longer decreases Mega chances.

Megas in Your Squad:

  • You can only have 1 Mega, there are no more penalties based on existing Megas.

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