Squad Busters Ultra Abilities of All Characters: Unlocking Ultra abilities in your troops is quite challenging Squad Busters because it requires the evolution of 1,000 babies to reach the fourth stage. You can not achieve this without significant gold expenditure in the shop means you’ll need to open many chests and ensure even growth across your entire troop collection.
Ultra evolutions provide substantial benefits, including 300 additional Portal Energy per evolved troop. So let’s check out Squad Busters Ultra Abilities of All Characters
Squad Busters Ultra Abilities of All Characters
Archer Queen
Ability: X-Bow Spell
Details: X-Bow shoots 3 arrows with slightly angled shots, resulting in only one arrow hitting individual distant targets.
Ability: Enraged after busting a foe
Details: Gains around 35% more Hit Speed for 7 seconds after defeating an enemy.
- Hit Time: 0.90 (Classic) / 0.75 (Elite)
- Raged Hit Time: 0.65 (Classic) / 0.55 (Elite)
- Hit Speed: 1.11 (Classic) / 1.33 (Elite)
- Raged Hit Speed: 1.54 (+38%) / 1.81 (+36%)
Here is a Complete Squad Busters Barbarian Guide
Barbarian King
Ability: Super Rage Spell
- Details: Increases damage dealt by troops while maintaining their Hit Speed.
- Duration: 10s (Normal) / 15s (Super)
- Damage: +60% (Normal) / +100% (Super)
Battle Healer
Ability: Heals much more after opening a Chest
- Normal: 400 (Classic/Super) / 700 (Ultra)
- Fusion: 950 (Classic/Super) / 1,750 (Ultra)
- Ability: Bees circle much faster
- Speed: 1,300 (Classic/Super) / 1,800 (Ultra)
- Ability: Mine deals much more damage to Monsters
- Damage:
- Normal Mine: 300 (Super) / 500 (Ultra)
- Fusion Mine: 600 (Super) / 1,000 (Ultra)
- Ability: Spawns Hatchlings much faster while using Turbo
- Spawn Time: 10s (Normal) / 2s (Boosted)
- Ability: Bullet Storm charges when attacking Monsters
- Details: Activates Bullet Storm after hitting 4 targets, even counting multiple hits within the same attack.
- Ability: Tosses more powerful dynamite
- Damage / Explosion:
- Baby: 75
- Classic/Super: 57
- Ultra: 75
- Total Damage: 75 (Baby) / 114 (Classic/Super) / 150 (Ultra)
- DPS: 55 (Baby) / 88 (Classic/Super) / 110 (Ultra)
- Radius: 1,250 (Baby/Classic/Super) / 1,500 (Ultra)
Here is a Complete Squad Busters Dynamike Guide
El Primo
- Ability: Heals a lot after Flying Elbow Drop
- Heal: 60% of his max HP after super attack.
- Ability: Increases Coins given to 10
- Coins:
- Normal: 5 (Baby) / 7 (Classic/Super) / 10 (Ultra)
- Fusion: 5 (Baby) / 7 (Classic) / 15 (Super) / 10 (Ultra)
- Total Coins:
- Super Fusion: 36
- Ultra Fusion: 40
- Ability: Trees drop a Heart
- Details: Both normal and Fusion trees drop a single heart.
- Ability: Heals more when shooting faster
- Heal Per Second (HPS): 29 (Classic) / 53 (Ultra)
- Fusion HPS: 71 (Classic) / 133 (Ultra)
Hog Rider
- Ability: Turbo increases movement speed even more
- Speed Increase: “27” (unit unclear, possibly 27%).
- Ability: Get more bonus loot from Carrot patches
- Average Loot:
- Coins: 0 (Baby) / 0.7 (Classic) / 1.84 (Ultra)
- Gems: 0 (Baby) / 0.3 (Classic) / 0.74 (Ultra)
- Ability: Speed Boost lasts much longer
- Duration: 18s (Baby/Classic/Super) / 30s (Ultra)
- Extended / Kill: 0s (Baby) / 2.6s (Classic) / 3.6s (Super) / 6s (Ultra)
- Ability: Throws Heal Packs much faster
- Heal / Pack: 105 (Classic/Super/Ultra)
- Pack Time: 0.75s (Classic/Super) / 0.45s (Ultra)
- HPS: 140 (Classic/Super) / 233 (Ultra)
- Ability: Busted foes also spawn Bats
- Details: Two bats spawn for each busted NPC—one immediately and one after the revived NPC dies.
- Nita
- Ability: Resummons her Bear twice as fast
- Resummon Time: 40s (Classic) / 20s (Ultra)
- Ability: Heal Station has more powerful healing
- Heal Per Second (HPS): 180 (Baby/Classic/Super) / 231 (Ultra)
- Final Heal: 0 (Baby) / 800 (Classic/Super) / 1,000 (Ultra)
- Fusion Heal: 315 (Baby) / 286 (Ultra)
- Fusion HPS: 630 (Classic/Super) / 817 (Ultra)
- Fusion Final Heal: 0 (Baby) / 2,000 (Classic/Super) / 2,500 (Ultra)
- Ability: Treasure has much more loot
- Average Loot:
- Coins: 8.9 (Baby/Classic/Super) / 10.9 (Ultra)
- Gems: 7.4 (Baby/Classic/Super) / 9.4 (Ultra)
- Keys: 0 (Baby) / 0.4 (Classic/Super/Ultra)
- Hearts: 0 (Baby/Classic) / 1.6 (Super/Ultra)
Royale King
- Ability: Deploys Elite Royal Recruits
- Stats:
- Health: 2,700 (Royal Recruit) / 3,600 (Elite Recruit)
- Lifetime: 45s (Royal Recruit) / 60s (Elite Recruit)
- Damage: 43 (Royal Recruit) / 53 (Elite Recruit)
- Hit Speed: 1.11 (Royal Recruit) / 1.33 (Elite Recruit)
- DPS: 48 (Royal Recruit) / 71 (Elite Recruit)
Ability: Shoots bigger Super Shells
- Damage: 200 (Classic) / 400 (Ultra)
- Projectiles: 15 (Classic) / 25 (Ultra)
- Fusion Super Shell: 775 damage
Here is a Complete Squad Busters Shelly Guide
Tank Girl
Ability: Tanks repair during Overdrive
- Normal: 200 HP every 1.5s (133 HPS)
- Fusion: 500 HP every 1.5s (333 HPS)
- Ability: Heals much more when giving Gems
- Normal: 200 (Classic/Super) / 350 (Ultra)
- Fusion: 500 (Classic/Super) / 875 (Ultra)
- Ability: Skeletons get stronger bones and a sharp dagger
- Health: 225 (Normal Skeleton) / 350 (Elite Skeleton)
- Lifetime: 30s (both)
- Damage: 8 (Normal Skeleton) / 16 (Elite Skeleton)
- Hit Speed: 0.77 (both)
- DPS: 6 (Normal Skeleton) / 12 (Elite Skeleton