Squad Busters Witch Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities

Squad Busters Witch Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities: The Witch is a powerful attacker from the Green World in Squad Busters. She excels in summoning skeletons to overwhelm enemies.


Squad Busters Witch Guide – Stats, Fusion & Abilities


  • HP: 1100
  • Damage: 230
  • Fusion HP: 3850
  • Fusion Damage: 483
  • Fusion Ability: Summons more skeletons even faster


Baby Ability (⭐)

  • Summons skeletons repeatedly.

Classic Ability (⭐⭐)

  • Summons more skeletons.

Super Ability (⭐⭐⭐)

  • Provides a Skeleton Barrel Spell.

Ultra Ability (⭐⭐⭐⭐)

  • Enhances skeletons with stronger bones and sharp daggers.


  • Summon Power: Use her abilities to keep a steady stream of skeletons to overwhelm your opponents.
  • Support Role: Pair her with other attackers to maximize damage output.
  • Skeleton Barrel Spell: Use this spell strategically to gain an edge in battles.
  • Skeleton Enhancement: Take advantage of her Ultra Ability to make her skeletons more durable and deadly.

The Witch is a versatile and powerful addition to any squad, providing continuous support and offense through her skeleton summoning abilities.

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